zaterdag 28 september 2013

Halfway fold

In this variation, when a player raises, subsequent players can not only call or fold, but also fold halfway.  To fold halfway is to discard one card and bet half the number of chips that one would have needed to bet if one were to call.  Folding halfway can only be done once during a hand; after that the player has only one card left, and a second halfway fold would constitute a full fold.

This device would be used in situations where, in the later betting rounds, a player is confronted with a raise that they would neither fold to nor call, and they are confident that a certain one of their cards will not help them win.  In such a situation, a player can halfway fold: discard the problematic card and stay in the game while risking only half the chips.

This variation is not recommended for beginners.

Information Raise

This is a variation of Texas Holdem where players cannot only raise with chips, but also with information.  A player who wishes to raise information does so by placing one of his cards face-up on the table.  Other players must also place one of their cards face-up on the table or fold.  A player can raise chips and information simultaneously, and others must call both raises or fold.

This technique can be used to investigate an apparent bluff, but at the cost of compromising the information raiser's privacy.  Just like a showdown, it provides information as to the bluffing behaviour of the raiser.  Use with care.

This variation can be of great educational use to beginners; it teaches them about the value of information, which is something that beginners often miss.  Remember, kids: poker is about more than just the chips!